The Spookiest Halloween Yard is in Burton

The Bostain family has the best decorated Halloween house (that I have seen) in Washington County. No Contest. They worked really hard to get their home ready for Halloween and they clearly enjoy it. I met with them this past weekend and they welcomed me to view all their outstanding and spooky decorations.

I had some questions about it and Luci Bostain had all the answers:

Whose house is it?

It’s our family home. Ande & Luci Bostain ( 615 N. Railroad, Burton, Texas)

What year did you start decorating your house to this amazing level?

We started around 2007 when we first moved here. The decorations get bigger every year.

Who is involved with decorating it?

It’s a family event, but my husband Ande Bostain does the majority of the work. I am a pro at shopping the sales or looking for a specific item online. We buy decorations and props all year long. My daughter is a great help with designs and my teenage son is a helping muscle.

What made y’all (the decorators) want to take it to the next level?

The reaction of the children prompts my husband Ande to get more creative every year. The school drop off line is right in front of our house so Ande starts with Halloween teasers September 1st. He will put one scene out towards the road and add to it daily, so the kids are excited to see what changes. Over the years we have accumulated a ton of decorations, so we have quite the set up including 3- 12foot skeletons, 1-12 foot inferno skeleton, 1-hovering talking witch, about 50 normal sized skeletons in various poses, an entire spooky grave yard in the front yard. We will not put anything too scary or gross in our display.

Do you anticipate a lot of trick or treaters?

Last year we had several hundred. The trick or treat trail starts at our house, so everyone stops.

Anything you want people to know? (Ex: will you allow trick or treaters to come take pictures near your props?)

Of course we allow pictures! We do ask that they not get too far into the yard just because there are cords to trip over. The theme in the graveyard this year is beetle juice and Ande will be dressed up as beetle juice.


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